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Strata Changes Effective 1 May 2020

The amended Strata Titles Act 1985 (WA) took effect as of Friday, 1 May 2020. The changes impact everyone from property developers to tenants, and of course

Strata Reform in Western Australia

Introduction The WA State Government has given Landgate responsibility for delivering strata reforms to Western Australia. There has been no major reforms to the Strata Titles

Boundaries of Strata Units

Inner surfaces Generally, the boundaries of strata units are: in the case of the walls, the inner surface of the wall; and in the case

Changing Strata Managers

    For more information about Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs), click here.   Disclaimer: The information on this page is intended to be general information only

Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)

What are Extraordinary General Meetings? All general meetings of the strata company that are not the Annual General Meeting (AGM) are called Extraordinary General Meetings

Reserve Funds

What are Reserve Funds? A reserve fund is like a savings account or investment fund used to set money aside to meet unexpected or future


What are by-laws? By-laws are essentially rules for a strata development. The by-laws set out the obligations of the occupiers, guests and visitors of the