Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)

What are Extraordinary General Meetings?

All general meetings of the strata company that are not the Annual General Meeting (AGM) are called Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs).

Why would an Extraordinary General Meeting be called?

EGMs are held where there is a matter that requires discussion or action prior to the date of the next AGM. Such matters may include authorisation for major works, changes to by-laws, appointment of new strata managers, raising of special levies and addressing a deficiency in the number of strata council members.

How do I call an Extraordinary General Meeting?

To call an EGM, an owner must have the support of at least ‘one quarter of the aggregate unit entitlement of the lots’ and must make a request in writing to the strata council (or strata manager who will pass this request onto the strata council).

‘One quarter of the aggregate unit entitlement of the lots’ means that the owners who support the calling of the EGM must hold one quarter of the total unit entitlement of the development. For example, in a 10 unit development, where the unit entitlement is say 1000, each unit having a unit entitlement of say 100, at least three unit owners will need to support the request to call the EGM (given one quarter of 1000 is 250, and it would take three owners to reach this threshold).

The strata council, or strata manager if one is appointed, must then convene an EGM within 21 days of the date of the request. Notice of not less than 14 days must be given to all owners of the EGM, which sets out the place, the date and time of meeting and in case of special business, the general nature of that business.

If the council or strata manager does not convene the meeting within 21 days from the date of the request, the owners comprising at least half of the aggregate unit entitlement may themselves convene the meeting in as close to the same manner as would normally occur to discuss this matter. This can be done up to three months from the date that the request to call the meeting was made to the strata council/strata manager.


Disclaimer: The information on this page is:

  • based on the standard by-laws as contained in Schedule 1 of the Strata Titles Act 1985 (WA). By-laws for developments which have been amended may vary the procedure.
  • intended to be general information only and NOT legal advice. No responsibility is accepted for any errors or omissions.


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